Bootcamp challenges and how I have adapted in the last few weeks
The question isn't can you handle the situation the question is can you handle your mind. When I was sent an invitation to Andela's cycle 12 Bootcamp and it was followed with Andela Developer Challenge(ADC) I never thought that I would be able to make it for most of the things I never knew. Just until four-six week ago I never knew what a pull request is and I am going to tell you how I have adapted in the few past weeks.

Most of the things in the Bootcamp are new to me and some of them are basic things that we should be using in the Bootcamp challenge (ADC).
Travis CI is a distributed continuous integration service that allows users to test GitHub repository (projects). it automatically detects any changes or commits made by a user and tries to make build using the tests you provided. when I started ADC(Andela Developer Challenge) two it’s when I encountered Travix CI. I never knew how to set it up and or what it does, but though Andela’s epic values I try to collaborate with others and to excel myself into using the tool.
I had a lot of challenges in this Bootcamp but with a good mindset and help form my LFAs (week one and week two LFA) and my friend whom we are attending the Bootcamp with I managed to the best and learned a lot in a short time
when I realized that I far way for what’s needed of me to join Andela. I put in the effort, I got thirsty and put in an effort to quench my thirst.i made sure that I try my best to attend a two-week pre-boot camp provided by Andela and though that Bootcamp it’s where I learned the primary things that helped me learn those two weeks, I learn about git-flow work and some primary coding skills.
Due to the fact that My-Diary is my first node.js project, I am working on. I had to put in more effort and learn a lot in a short period of time.
To whom much is given much is required
Luke 12:48